Historic Estevan
a GPS-guided audio walking tour
Estevan, SK | FREE

Listen to a tour guide through your smartphone!
Highlights include the Macready Store, Duncan House, the Stone Church, Judge Wylie's House, Central School Bell, Beth Jacob Synagogue & more!
Live GPS map shows where you are and where to go next. As you get close, tour guide commentary will automatically play!
Don't just see the sights, hear what they have to say!
The tour also comes with a fun location based trivia game. After the commentary plays, look at your device and tap your guess at the answer.
Get the Tour!
1. Download 'Tripvia Tours' app
2. Download tour from list (free)
Technical Questions? We're here to help!

How it Works
hands free + audio
automatically plays
audio tours play based
on GPS location
fun trivia questions
add to the fun
easy navigation with
live GPS maps
professional tour guides
family friendly
no data used on tour
no signal required

Points of Interest
live GPS map + audio automatically plays
P.C. Duncan House
Prairie Nurseries Office
Stone Church
Wood Carvings
St. Giles Anglican Church
Rook’s House
1222 Third Street
McKenzie House
Judge Wylie’s House
Bannatyne House
Clay Products Display Home
L.A. Duncan House
1318 2nd Street
J.A. Smith House
Central School Bell
Valley View
Dunbar House
Fisher House
Beth Jacob Synagogue
Coal Miner’s Corner
Estevan Court House
Estevan War Memorial
City Hall
Dr. Creighton’s Office
Macready Store
Stockwell’s Hardware
Orpheum Theatre
Old Post Office